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Online Training and Certifications
Ergonomics International offers many opportunities to advance your skillset. Below are a few of the offerings we have that provide you with a certification certificate or assist in preparing you to become qualified as a Board Certified Professional. two very specific types of Patented evidence-based software solutions for your business.
We also offer bundled course purchases. Contact us for details.
Certified Ergonomic Risk Analyst - Level 1
Current Pricing
Total Hours:
35 Hours of Learning Materials
About Course:
The Certified Ergonomic Risk Analyst (CERA-1) demonstrates the skill and abilities to utilize the appropriate ergonomic risk analysis tool(s) to gather, interpret and apply internationally recognized ergonomic risk tools and data to quantify the risk of musculoskeletal injury.
Ergonomics International uses an evidence-based approach in our approach to risk analysis. The ergonomic analysis tools were chosen based on validity and reliability in assessing musculoskeletal risk, not their popularity in certain circles.
The ergonomic risk analysis tools that are taught in this course are considered to be valid and reliable analysis tools among professional Board Certified Ergonomists.
In this course, we not only focus on how to accurately gather data, but how to interpret and apply the results to reduce ergonomic risks.
Ergonomic analysis tools taught in this class include:
• Borg Perceived Exertion
• Employee Perceived Difficulty Assessment
• ACGIH Hand Activity TLV
• Manual Handling Guidelines
• NIOSH Lifting Equation
• Cumulative Lifting Index
After meeting the requirement of a Certified Ergonomic Risk Analyst (CERA-1), certificate holders can increase their level of certification by taking (CERA-2) and Subject Matter Expert (SME) training classes thereby increasing their knowledge base and marketability in the field. These SME programs allow individuals to advance their certification levels.
BCPE Certification Prep Course
Current Pricing and Specials
Total Hours:
Over 400 Hours of Learning Materials
About Course:
Ergonomics International, LLC is the only organization that provides seminars and web-based preparation courses for the BCPE certification credentials. Ergo-Online has been providing BCPE preparation training and mentoring since 1998.
Our course and mentoring process is designed to provide each individual with a focused study plan based on their specific education, training and work experiences. What separates our web-based training from other online training is the one-on-one mentoring that is provided to our participants.
We do not teach the test or test questions. Our focus is on making sure participants understand the logic and thought processes specific to becoming a certified human factors/ergonomist/user experience professional.
Certified Ergonomic Team Training
Current Pricing
Total Hours:
16 Hours of onsite time
About Course:
When establishing an ergonomic team at a facility, we recommend an onsite training combined with a mentoring process to ensure the success of the team. Online training is best suited for new team members who will be working with a team that is already established.
The Certified Ergonomic Team Training will include:
Ergonomic Process Components
Body Mechanics
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Ergonomic Risk Factors
Evidence-based Risk Analysis
Ergonomic Risk Interpretation
Problem Solving and Risk Mitigation
The course uses practical examples and scenarios from the shop floor to establish foundational learning experiences.
For facilities that are interested in computerized and mobile compatible risk analysis software, Ergonomic International’s evidence‐based risk analysis suite can be included at an additional fee.
Certified Physical Demand Analyst
Current Pricing
Total Hours:
22 Hours of Learning Materials
About Course:
The Certified Physical Demand Analyst (CPDA) is taught how to accurately quantify postures, forces, repetitive cycles and duration of activities in terms of physical requirements of an individual or population.
This professional will have the skills to collect, validate and document the essential functions and physical demands associate with any work environment.
Ergonomic International’s physical demand analysis process emphasizes Visual Documentation™ and data collection techniques unique to our patented process. Our methodology is based upon hundreds of peer-reviewed and professional publications.
The Certified Physical Demand Analyst is required to pass a certification exam, perform physical demand analysis using the Infocus Work Applications software and annually demonstrate their ability to accurately document essential functions and physical demands of jobs.
They are also required to annually participate in continuing education that is approved by Ergonomics International.
Certified Office Ergonomic Analyst
Current Pricing
Total Hours:
10 Hours of Learning Materials
About Course:
Having individuals trained in the identification and resolution of ergonomic risk factors is as important in an office environment as it is in an industrial environment.
Certified Office Ergonomic Analysts are trained in the identification of ergonomic risk factors, development of common musculoskeletal disorders and the resolution of ergonomic risk factors unique to the office environment.
Individuals who complete the Certified Office Ergonomic Analyst training and pass the required exams will earn a certificate to perform ergonomic risk assessments in the office environment.
Certified Stretching Coach
Current Pricing
Total Hours:
1.5 Contact Hours
About Course:
The Stretching Coach Program teaches your employees how to perform task-specific dynamic activities, stretches and nerve glides that are going to be most beneficial to them, based upon the physical stresses they are engaged in throughout the workday.
Individuals participating in the Certified Stretching Coach (CSC) training will develop the skills necessary to teach coworkers the proper way to perform warm-up activities, static stretching and nerve glide movements.
Customized training can be developed that utilizes video clips of your job tasks with employees demonstrating task-specific warm-up exercises, stretches and nerve glide movements based on the jobs that are being performed.
The Certified Stretching Coach (CSC) is a certificate training that is designated with each year of certification.
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