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Software Solutions
Ergonomics International offers two very specific types of patented evidence-based software solutions for your business.

Ergonomic Risk Analysis Suite
As you know, musculoskeletal disorders account for the largest part of your injury claims and dollars.
Ergonomics International has developed evidence-based ergonomics software to solve common workplace challenges.
Watch or listen to this short clip about what we have to offer that is new and unique.
Now you can include solutions to these EHS challenges:
Job Rotation Strategies based on proprietary algorithms of risk
Identify and fight fraudulent claims using our causation calculations
The document “The True” Ergonomic and Safety Risk of jobs without overestimating
Use mobile compatibility and QR code-driven tools to save time and double data entry on near-miss reporting, inspections, and hygiene monitoring
Quickly track safety encounters to improve culture with QR codes for early intervention and trending
And much, much more...
This system integrates Z-EBRA a unique, cost-effective, yet powerful Software as a Service (SaaS) system. This system is mobile-compatible across devices. We calculate the "true" risk of a job or task and allow the ability to group tasks to look at the "true" risk of a job.
Watch this short clip about making risk analysis an effective and useful tool.
This patented,evidence-based process, takes into consideration the most up-to-date and accurate peer-reviewed literature and real-time collaborative data analysis. This allows your company to assess the risks of jobs and tasks.
Our software has been developed with an epidemiologist utilizing statistical measures and prediction models to calculate the "true" risk of job tasks. We take simple data input streams to calculate and create information that becomes a powerful decision-making tool.
Rather than relying on cost-avoidance predictions, we provide management and decision-makers data based on job and body part exposures; thereby demonstrating accurate return-on-investment models.
The system quantifies risk and produces solution recommendations that management and ergonomic teams can use to fix the problem; not just measure them.
Ideal job rotations can be determined using the software's risk model. This is important for specific states such as Colorado where Rule 17 is critical in claim determination and adequate recovery is part of claim acceptance.
Evidence-Based Physical Demand Analysis
A robust physical demand documentation system is the foundation of any functional testing, postoffer testing, or return-to-work testing process. Without proper analysis and documentation of the physical demands; testing validity and reliability suffer resulting in potential legal issues.
Much different than ergonomic risk analysis, physical demand analysis quantifies the physical requirements of job tasks.
We use peer-reviewed evidence-based definitions to standardize the collection of physical demand data and video capture technology to visually document postures job tasks.
This accurate physical demand data can then be used to develop job specific functional testing for use in the hiring process or return to work process post injury or illness.
This process provides a company with the long-term prevention of work-related musculoskeletal injuries.
Contractor Management System
One of the most difficult tasks for companies is to effectively manage contractors who are embedded, short-term, emergency, or just day visits. All contractors need to be as safe as your own employees while on your site.
We have simplified this tedious process. We can customize to your needs and provide you with an effective data management system, not just a review of the contractor records, but all the pieces to get them on-boarded and annually reviewed.
We include our online educational platform to help you instruct, verify, and manage contractor onboarding and educational expectations.
The system comes with a security module, human resources module, contractor sponsor/project manager module, and an EHS module. Depending on your workplace and contractor flow, these can be implemented to effectively manage contractors in and out of your facility or simply to manage the educational and onboarding processes as required. Managing contractors is about managing risk. Our system does this effectively by using a task-based risk assessment for both safety and environmental risks.

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